Sunday, January 9, 2011

Advenures in Potty Training

I have a three year old and we have been potty training for the last month.  First let me say that I think that "training" is a funny term.  If anyone is training anyone, your child is training you.  Be that as it may, we are potty "training".  I have tried to make my child potty in the potty many times starting around his 2nd birthday, each time unsuccessful.  In December, it was his time and he started to pee! it was awesome and easy once he was ready.  HOWEVER; I am having the hardest time with poop.  I know he knows the sensation because he hides in his room until he is done pooping and then tells me he has to potty.  I am not sure if he knows how to poop though.  It is still frustrating though.

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

From what I have seen today, people are spending time talking about the past year.  What they have learned, loved and disliked about the year that is coming to a close.  Only this year, a decade is coming to a close as well as a year.  The past decade has been amazing for me personally.  I met the man I was going to marry, married him, had an amazing boy, and graduated college.  There have been many other personal victories for me as well but those are the big ones.

This has also been the decade I remember the most from.  If you know me well, you know I have a terrible memory.  Sean is the one who remembers our first date and our first kiss, then he shakes his head disapprovingly as he reminds me of the situation. During this decade I became and adult and started a family.  I am looking forward to many more fabulous decades and exciting years to come.

Happy New Years to you and yours. 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Homemade Holidays

This is the second year that my husband and I have done handmade holidays. Basically, we made most of our Christmas gifts. Really, the only person we bought for was each other and our son. For the past two years, everyone has really loved their gifts (they keep talking about the things that I have made). Much of my inspiration came from the handmade holidays tutorials in the sew mama sew blog.

Here are some of the things I made this year...

For my baby nephew (I made him a few, this one was just my favorite!)

Wristlet for my sister

For my husband!

For one of my husband's cousins

For another baby cousin!

And the most awesome (a duct tape purse) for my cousin.


Inspiration: My sister, Monica does blog posting.  I like them because she lives far away and it gives me insight into her daily (or weekly) life. 

I have decided to start blogging for this reason.  This blog will largely be my ramblings, I really like to craft and I will be posting pictures of projects and of my wonderful family!

About me:  My husband and I have been married for four years but we are high school sweethearts (I hear the "awww" don't worry) and we have an amazing son named Connor.  I am a social studies teacher and always looking for something new to learn!